Astonishing Facts About Rape and Abuse of Women: Unveiling the Harsh Reality
Rape and abuse of women are grave issues that affect millions globally. Despite significant progress in raising awareness and implementing protective measures, the statistics remain alarming. Here are some astonishing facts that highlight the severity and pervasiveness of these issues:
1. Prevalence of Sexual Violence
- One in three women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime⁷. This statistic underscores the widespread nature of the problem, affecting women across all demographics and regions.
- In the United States, one in five women have experienced completed or attempted rape during their lifetime¹.
2. Age of Victims
- A significant number of victims experience sexual violence at a young age. One in three female victims of completed or attempted rape experienced it for the first time between the ages of 11 and 17¹.
- Similarly, about one in four male victims of completed or attempted rape first experienced it between the ages of 11 and 17¹.
3. Relationship to Perpetrators
- Most sexual violence is perpetrated by someone the victim knows. About half of female victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner, and 40.8% by an acquaintance¹. For male victims, 52.4% reported being raped by an acquaintance¹.
4. Reporting and Justice
- Despite the prevalence, many cases go unreported. In 2018, only about 25% of rapes and sexual assaults were reported to the police¹. This low reporting rate can be attributed to various factors, including fear of retaliation, shame, and mistrust in the justice system.
- The prevalence of false reporting for sexual assault crimes is low, estimated to be between 2% and 10%¹.
5. Impact on Health and Well-being
- Violence against women is a significant cause of death and incapacity. It is as common a cause of death and incapacity for women of reproductive age as cancer and a greater cause of ill health than road accidents and malaria combined³.
- The estimated lifetime cost of rape per victim is $122,461¹, reflecting the extensive physical, emotional, and financial toll on survivors.
6. Global Perspective
- Globally, 736 million women are subjected to physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner or sexual violence from a non-partner⁷. This number has remained largely unchanged over the past decade, indicating the persistent nature of the issue.
These facts highlight the urgent need for continued efforts to combat rape and abuse of women. It is crucial to support survivors, promote education and awareness, and implement effective policies to prevent violence and hold perpetrators accountable. By understanding the scope and impact of these issues, we can work towards a safer and more equitable world for all.
The recent jarring incident in Kolkata of the rape & murder of a young trainee doctor prompted me to write this post about the astonishing facts about rape and abuse of women.
What is your opinion about it.? Would you like to add to the above?
Dr.Sarbjit Singh
About Me
Dr.Shamsher Singh Eye Hospital, Khanna
(1) Devastatingly pervasive: 1 in 3 women globally experience violence. https://www.who.int/news/item/09-03-2021-devastatingly-pervasive-1-in-3-women-globally-experience-violence.
(2) Statistics – National Sexual Violence Resource Center. https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics.
(3) A staggering one in three women, experience physical, or sexual abuse. https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/11/1052041.
(4) Safe Horizon | Rape and Sexual Assault Statistics & Facts. https://www.safehorizon.org/get-informed/rape-sexual-assault-statistics-facts/.
(5) 16 Shocking facts about violence against women and girls. https://reliefweb.int/report/world/16-shocking-facts-about-violence-against-women-and-girls.
(6) About Sexual Violence | Sexual Violence Prevention | CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/sexual-violence/about/index.html.
(7) Statistics In-Depth – National Sexual Violence Resource Center. https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics/statistics-depth.
(8) Violence against women – World Health Organization (WHO). https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women.
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